Colloquia and Workshops
Since 1994:
1994 "Models of Cognition and Complexity theory"
1996 "Mental Constructions, Inferential Procedures and Semantics"
1998 "Fluxes of Thought"
2000 "Language and Cognition"
2001 Carsetti, A., February "Meaningful Complexity and Intentionality"
2001 June "Seeing and Thinking"
2002 "Cognition, Meaning and Complexity"
2003 "Cognition, Meaning and Reality"
2004 "Conceptual Structures and Categorial Perception"
2005 "Truth Verisimilitude and Simulation Models. Functional Realism, Objectivism and Knowledge Construction"
2006 "Epistemic Complexity, Scientific Invariants and Cultural Evolution"
2008 "Causality, Meaningful Complexity and Knowledge Construction"
2010 "Models of the Mind"
2013 "Computational Models and Conceptual Complexity".