Publications - (page 3/3)
Since 2009:
Volumes and papers :
Carsetti, A., (ed.) Causality, Meaningful Complexity and Embodied Cognition. Berlin, 2009.
Carsetti, A., “The genesis of the mind’s eyes” in D'Agostino M. et al. Atti della S.I.L.F.S., Milano, 2009.
Carsetti, A. ,” The emergence of mind at the co-evolutive level” in A. Corradini and T. O'Connor (eds.), Emergence in Science and Philosophy, New York, 2009: 251-266.
Carsetti, A., “Embodiment processes and intentional complexity”, La Nuova Critica, 53-54 (2009): 103-122.
Carsetti, A., “The emergence of meaning at the co-evolutionary level. An epistemological approach” in H. Guerra (ed.), Physics and Computation 2010: Pre-Proceedings, 2010:2-15.
Carsetti, A. "Eigenforms, natural self-organization and morphogenesis", La Nuova Critica, vol. 55-56 (2010) : 75-100.
Carsetti A., Epistemic Complexity and Knowledge Construction. Berlin, Springer, 2012.
Carsetti, A, " The emergence of meaning at the co-evolutionary level", Int. Jour. of Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 219 (2012): 14-23, doi: 10.1016.
Carsetti, A, "Eigenforms, Natural Computing and Morphogenesis", Turing Centenary Conference, 2012.
Carsetti, A. "Regulatory Models and the Development of Mind", La Nuova Critica, vol. 59-60 (2012) : 129-150.
Carsetti, A. "Intended Models and Henkin Semantics", La Nuova Critica, vol. 61-62 (2013) : 125-180.
Carsetti, A. "The game of Life: a Teleonomical Approach", T. R. (2014) : 1-40.
Carsetti, A. "Life, Cognition and Metabiology", Cognitive Processing, 15 (4) (2014) : 423-434.
Carsetti, A. "Towards a conceptual Metabiology", T.R. (2018).
Carsetti, A. "Epistemologia ed Ontologia", Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia del Diritto, Serie V (2016) : 85-90.
Carsetti, A. "Infinitistic Methods and Intentional Information", T.R. (2019).
Carsetti, A. " The emergence of the enactive mind in ambient meaning ", La Nuova Critica, vol. 65-66 (2015): 73-103.
Carsetti, A., "From Mannerism to Classicism: for a critical reading of Pablo Picasso's painting "The flute of Pan"", La Nuova Critica, vol. 67-68 (2016):70-99
Carsetti A. Metabiology, Berlin, Springer, 2019
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